Fiction: The Big Birthday

When he was little, he decided he would live 100 years.
He had a happy, healthy, fulfilling life.
The day before his 100th birthday he lay in bed peacefully thinking: “One more day and I’ll be able to rest.”
The next day, after blowing up the candles, he closed his eyes and died.



This post was written in response toΒ Writespiration #106 52 Weeks in 52 Words Week 10, with the theme: The Big Birthday.

Happy Happy Happy Birthday!

Big milestone today!


Not half a century quite yet, but, as as say in Brazil, I’m today ‘entering the house of the entas‘, from which we don’t leave until we turn 100 (what unfortunately is not as common as people would like ;))

In the morning, hubby woke up the girls really early so they could surprise me with birthday gifts. It’s true that the gifts were not really a surprise considering that I went with him to the mall yesterday to choose, but the kids don’t know that and they were really excited to surprise me.

They were the ones who told daddy what they wanted to give to me (a blouse and a dress). Then, on each gift they wrote their names.

Very cute!

For celebrations, I’ll actually have 3:

  • Lunch today with friends from work
  • Dinner tonight with hubby (got a babysitter for the kids)
  • Party on Sunday offered by a friend at her house.

Since last night (it was 24th in Brazil a few hours before it was here…) I’ve been also receiving lots of birthday wishes on email and facebook.

Yay! Happy birthday to me!!!!

Note: 40 = quarenta, then it comes cinquenta(50), sessenta(60), setenta(70), oitenta(80), noventa(90)… But cem(100)

Happy Birthday to Me!!!


I’m typically a pretty low profile person, who likes to talk to people, is very social, but who at the same time hates to be the center of the attention.

That is during 364 days of the year. Because on my birthday I AM the center of attention. At least of MY attention. πŸ˜‰

So this morning I changed my profile picture in facebook to be a “Happy Birthday to Me” image.

And the I got some back from my friends.

These are some of the images I received on Facebook and email so far to wish me happy birthday.

(this post may get updated with new images until the end of the day… )

Yay!!! Thanks to all my friends, who sent me picture, text messages, calls, emails, etc, etc…

Love you all.

Copyrights are owned by the pictures owners, who I must confess I don’t know who they are.