Photo: Cee’s B&W Photo Challenge – Take a New Photo

Fresh from the oven… Kirkland waterfront on a late afternoon.


This post was written in response to Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Take a New Photo.

Today I left work a bit earlier than usual, but decided to give the nanny the opportunity to work her regulars hours. So I went for a walk in Kirkland with the intention to take a new photo for this challenge. I got a few, but this one was my favorite.


Hugh’s Photo Challenge: Week 8 – Charity Christmas Tree Topper Challenge

This past weekend my daughters and I put the Christmas tree up and lighted!

Here’s out three topper.

I bought this one several years ago (before the kids were even born) and it’s still resisting…

I like it because it lights up and also because of the colors that come out from the light reflecting on the translucent plastic.




This post was written in response to Hugh’s Photo Challenge: Week 8 – Charity Christmas Tree Topper Challenge.
With this challenge, Hugh will donate £1 to The Dogs Trust for every Christmas Tree Topper photo that is posted on Planet Blog up to a maximum of £250.
The challenge is open until Tuesday 5th January 2016 and he will publish a post on Twelfth Night, January 6th, showcasing everybody who participated in the challenge and letting us all know how much we all managed to raise.