Photo: Cee’s B&W Challenge – Older than 50

For this challenge, I was trying to find or take pictures of items in the house or man-made landmarks that were older than 50.

Then this morning, I learned that Saguaro cacti can live for about 200 years and they grow very slowly, reaching 1-1.5 inch after 10 years.
Some of them grow branches (or arms), which typically appear when they are about 95 to 100 years of age.

That information impressed me, remembering the ones I saw on my trips to Arizona and Mexico.

So I decided that’s what I would feature here, but it turned out I couldn’t find a really good picture of them.

The best one I found is the one below, which is very low resolution and in which unfortunately I managed to cut the top of it. 😦

Still… this Saguaro cactus with all of his arms seems to be much Older than 50.





This post was written in response to Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Older than 50

(funny fact, the first time I participated on a Cee’s B&W challenge was for a Older than 50 theme too… ;o)

Photo: Cee’s B&W Challenge: Roads


This post was written in response to Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Roads of Any Kind

Black and white worked great for this picture, because the windows though which I took the picture was pretty dirty and in colors the strikes of dirt are hard to remove. For this one, I removed all color, played a bit with brightness and contrast, then applied a Nanquim filter at 70%, all using Fotor app for Windows.

Photo: Cee’s B&W Photo Challenge – Take a New Photo

Fresh from the oven… Kirkland waterfront on a late afternoon.


This post was written in response to Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Take a New Photo.

Today I left work a bit earlier than usual, but decided to give the nanny the opportunity to work her regulars hours. So I went for a walk in Kirkland with the intention to take a new photo for this challenge. I got a few, but this one was my favorite.


Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Two of Anything

Two pictures of twos. One man-made, one nature-made.

Two glass sculptures at the Bridge of Glass, Tacoma, WA


Twin trees at Lakeside Park, Lake Chelan, WA



This post was written in response to Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Couples, Twins, Two of Anything.


Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Sepia Tones Only

For this week’s challenges I decided to choose a picture of people and another one of a outdoor seeting.

For the people’s picture, the picture is indeed somewhat old (25 years?) but it looked already worse than a regular 25-year-old picture. I don’t know what happened at the time of the shot, but it came out with a sort of a haze, which made it look even older than it is. I also like the fact that it shows people celebrating (high school graduation, btw… ;o)

I still changes it to make sepia tones only, as in the original there was still some little color. Then I added a filter of antiquity to make it look older still (like it was my grandma, instead me me, maybe???



For the second one, I took this picture recently and I liked the remoteness of the cabin with the tent in front of it, amidst a lot of snow. I used a few effects on this one too, to give it an old picture look as well.



This post was written in response to Cee’s Black and White Challenge: Sepia Tones Only


Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Weather

For this week come back to Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge, I decided to pick some picture that had somewhat expressive clouds, even though the color version of them didn’t look too dramatic.
Then, while editing the images to remove the color, and adjusting contrast and brightness, I was amazed by how much more drama I could get on them. Especially on the second one.

Here are my pictures.



This post was written in response to Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Weather

Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Light

I have recently done a B&W challenge showcasing artificial and natural light, on the open theme week.

Then this week, the theme is officially Light on Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge.

So for this week, I decided to show the 3 main sources of light on my office.

The brighter one: ceiling fluorescent lights

The brighter one: ceiling fluorescent lights



The favorite of mine and of my plants: “natural” light lamp



The inevitable in an office environment: computer screen



Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge – Letter B or W

Yesterday evening I had to stop by the grocery store for some veggies. Watching them I realized I could find B and W items for this week’s challenge right there. The W’s are combined in the B items, but I must admit they may not be visible enough.

Here they are…


Water droplets on Broccoli



Wet Beets



Wrapped Basil





This post was written in response to Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Letters B or W.


Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge – Signs

Ok, we get the priorities in this one:


But what if we add this little guy here to the equation? Then anyone else just runs???



Talking about running, this one was very properly placed along the route of a half-marathon, with a sofa right behind it for the proposed nap… ;o)


This post was written in response to Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Signs. But thay are also fit for Hugh’s Photo Challenge: Week 7 – Funny Or Strange Signs. Especially the last one… ;o)


Cee’s Black and White Challenge: Patterns

In the pre-Columbian era, Marajó island, at the mouth of the Amazon River, in Brazil was inhabited by a society named Marajoara. The pre-Columbian society may have ended, but the tradition on how to ornate artifacts still remains on the culture of the region, where natives continue to create artifact from pottery or other materials with the same type of patterns.

I own a few artifacts, from our current era that were brought to me by my brother, who often used to go on business travels to the North region of the country.

For more information about the Marajoara culture, check the Wikipedia article about it.

Marajoara-style artifacts:




Bowl made from a gourd

This post was written in response to Cee’s Back and While Challenge: Patterns.

Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Hallways

Today I invite you all to my home. So you can walk on it’s hallways, climb the stairs, and look around.
Nothing fancy, but  comfortable (and amazingly none of the typical mess showed up!)
So here are a few pictures, split into 3 groups.

Getting ready for Halloween:

CeeB&WHallways1 CeeB&WHallways2


Shadows up:

CeeB&WHallways3 CeeB&WHallways4

Waiting for the rain:



This post was written in response to Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Indoor Walkaways, Hallways and Elevators

Cee’s Black and White Challenge: Things Made From Wood

Tomorrow is my birthday, but tomorrow there is no coming to the office, since it’s a Saturday.

So today when I got at my office I found a little wrapped gift at my desk.

It turns out is was a wooden owl, given to me by a friend who knows about my ‘thing’ with owls ;o)

I was already planning on photographing my existing wooden owls for this challenge, anyways, so with that gift, I decided to make it the one and only star of my post today. I tried to take pictures from different angles and apply different B&W filters to each of them.

So here’s the new addition to my little owl collection, this one made from wood:






This post was written in response to the Cee’s Black and White Challenge: Things Made From Wood

Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Small Subjects

Here are my little entries this week.
I’ve also recently fell in love with the color splash effects, so trying to add a little splash of reds and oranges here, on a PC app (have been doing it in the phone, where it’s hard to get the precision I’d like…)
Hope that’s ok for this challenge.


A ladybug






And the biggest of them all, mushrooms



This post was written in response to Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Small Subjects.