One Four Challenge – November Week 2

This is the second week of the One Four Challenge for November.

Then, for this week’s edit, I decided to make it look more like fall (or maybe end of a hot summer), with more earthy colors.

To accomplish that, I tried several different things on both Fotor on the PC and Photo Editor on my phone.
But it was really hard to change a very green picture to earthy tones, without making the house and pavement change color drastically too…

So in the end I used the Photo Editor app on my phone and changed: brightness to 9, exposure to 28, temperature to 5692, tint to -6 and tolerance to 135, and picked a hue more towards an orangy color.

That’s how it turned out:


To see my previous edit, check week 1 post here.

Catching fire

“Mommy, mommy, look! The tree and bushes are catching fire! Look, they’re all yellow and red and orange.”

“Oh, sweetie-pie, that’s not fire, it’s the leaves changing color for autumn.”

“Changing color?”

“Well, every year we have 4 seasons. Remember Winter? We went skiing and built a snowmen?”

“Yeah, it was cold!”

“In Winter there were barely any leaves. Then Spring brought them back. With Summer, the heat of the sun made them gold. Now, they’ll crumble and fall again for Winter.”

“So they ARE burning?”

“Yeah… when you put it like that, they are indeed burning! Just not catching fire.”

This post was written in response to 2 challenges, that had similar picture prompts this week, and contains 100 words.

100WCGU, with the photo prompt below:


And Sunday Photo Fiction, with the picture:



To see other stories inspired by this picture, click the blue frog below:


The picture that has actually inspired me for this text was the one for 100WCGU.
The initial idea I had for the Sunday Photo Fiction was different, so I may choose to write another piece for those, if I find the time this week.



Today things were very easy at work. Very! So I decided to go for a walk and bring a camera with me. My initial plan was to take pictures o fall colors, but the weather wasn’t really cooperating and the light was not too good for nice colorful pictures.

So instead, I decided to look down and take picture of mushrooms, who are spreading out like crazy those days. I saw all sorts of them (or almost all – couldn’t get a picture of one of those big red Smurf-like ones or of one of those that grow in rotten logs and look like big ears).

Here’s a few:


Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom Mushroom

Knock, Knock!

“Who’s there?”

“It’s Fall.”

“Oh, I’m sorry mister Fall, but we’re closed for summer. Could you please come back on a couple of weeks?”

“But I so wanted to come now…. Pleeease?…”

“Well, sorry. But in a couple of weeks you can come and we’ll welcome you. Not today, though!”

“Okaaaay. See ya in a few… Bye”


Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Which Ways – Featuring Steps or Stairs

This week’s Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge features steps or stairs.

Today also, coincidentally, as I was searching for my pictures of steps, I saw that image also features stairs:


Right on topic! Cool.

But now, back to my own pictures, here are some pictures of stairs that for some reason or another I decided to take in the past and collected here…

Travel Theme: Foliage

It’s Fall!

And the beauty of fall is due to it’s foliage.

But it’s not the same everywhere.

Here are pictures of fall foliages on two very different climates.

Fall foliage in Hawaii


Fall foliage in Washington state


Another one from Hawaii: the colors are from flowers, not leaves


Another one from Washington state: the colors are from leaves, not flowers


More Washington state fall foliage, here.

This post was writen in response to Ailsa’s Travel Theme: Foliage.


Sunday Post: Autumn

Although we’re still in Summer (barely, actually. Last days!), Fall has been showing its colors for a few weeks now.

And I mean literally.

Because that’s one of the things Fall (or Autumn, if you wish) is about right?


Colors and fallen leaves.

I come from a place where we have only 2 seasons: hot and hotter. So we can’t really see much the difference between the typical calendar seasons.

12 years ago, I moved to the US and what impressed me the most on my first year (and still does, to be honest, but never as strongly as on that first year) was how we can actually see the seasons changing and especially how beautiful Fall is.

In one of the first times I went back home to visit family, I brought them some pictures. The last picture I took, just to finish up the film (yep, film) was of a tree all dressed up with the colors of Fall. I also brought the film with me in case someone in the family would like copies of any of the pictures. But I was actually expecting them to print copies of me and my husband on our new home. And they did, or course, but on my grandma’s list, I also saw the picture of the tree as one that she wanted a copy of. She was amazed by the beauty of it and wanted a record.

In the past few years, I was actually dreading Fall and seeing it as the worst season of the year, because, in spite of its beauty, it means that each day would be worse than the previous one in regards to weather and temperatures.

This year is different, though. I still don’t like the very short days and excess rain (which we get a LOT here in the Pacific Northwest), but after working out outdoors through summer, I must confess I’m looking forward for lower temperatures, in which we can do the same workout without all the sweating and smellyness that comes with hot weather.

And I still think it’s the most beautiful season of all, so this year I’m actually welcoming Fall.

So now, let’s cut the talking and go to the images. Those pictures were taken yesterday evening, when I went for a walk in the trails and gardens around my office building, with my Canon PowerShot SX110 IS.


This post was created in response to Jakesprinter Sunday Post: Autumn.